Rev. C
Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 - 21
Mow and Backlap
The reel manifold contains two independent control cir-
cuits for the front and rear cutting units. Each circuit is
supplied by its own gear pump section. Gear pump sec-
tion (P1) supplies hydraulic power to the front cutting
units, while section (P2) supplies the the rear units. Both
circuits share manifold port (T), which drains to the oil
cooler, oil filter, and on to the hydraulic reservoir.
On the circuit supplied by pump section (P1), maximum
system pressure is limited by relief valve (R1), which is
set at 3000 PSI (207.0 bar). Solenoid valve (MSV1)
must be energized to prevent hydraulic flow from by-
passing the front reel circuit. When solenoid valve
(MSV1) is energized, oil flow from port (P1) flows
through reel speed control valve (FC1). Flow through
the speed control valve is pressure compensated by
logic cartridge valve (LC1). The logic c artridge valve
maintains a pressure of 75 PSI (5.2 bar) across the
speed control valve. Any excess flow is returned to the
hydraulic reservoir. Regulated flow continues through
valve(MD1) andout tothe frontreelmotors. Whenvalve
rectly for mowing. Return oil from the motors is also di-
rected to the r eservoir through valve (MD1).
System pressure on the (P1) side can be measured at
Port (G1).
On the circuit supplied by pump section (P2), maximum
system pressure is limited by relief valve (R2), which is
set at 2000 PSI (138.0 bar) on Reelmaster 6500--D and
3000 PSI (207.0 bar) on Reelmaster 6700--D. Solenoid
valve (MSV2) must be energized to prevent hydraulic
flowfromby-passing therear reelcircuit.When solenoid
valve (MSV2) is energized, oil flow from port (P2) flows
through reel speed control valve (FC2). Flow through
the speed control valve is pressure compensated by
logic cartridge valve (LC2). The logic c artridge valve
maintains a pressure of 75 PSI (5.2 bar) across the
speed control valve. Any excess flow is returned to the
hydraulic reservoir. Regulated flow continues through
valve (MD2) and out to the rear reel motors. On Reel-
master 6700-D, two solenoid valves (S10) and (S11) di-
rectoilflow tocuttingunits #6and #7.Whenvalve(MD2)
is in the “Mow” position, the rear reels rotate correctly
for mowing. Return oil from the motors is also directed
to the reservoir through valve (MD2).
System pressure on the (P2) side can be measured at
Port (G2).
During the backlap mode of operation, the reel circuits
operate the same as in the ”Mow” mode. When either
valve (MD1) or (MD2) is set to the “Backlap” position,
thevalvereversesthedirection ofhydraulicflowthrough
the reel motors, and the reels rotate correctly for back-