Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-DPage 3 - 4Kubota Diesel Engine
General Information
Stopping The Engine
IMPORTANT: Before stopping the engine after
mowing or full load operation, cool the turbo-char-
ger by allowing the engine to idle at low speed for 5
minutes. Failure to do so may lead to turbo-charger
Check Engine Oil
1. Park machine on a level s urface, lower cutting units,
stop engine, engage parking brake, and remove key
from the ignition switch.
2. Release hood latch and open hood.
3. Remove, wipe clean, and reinstall dipstick. Remove
dipstick, and check oil level on dipstick. Oil level should
be up to FULL mark.
4. If oil is belowthe FULL mark, remove fillcap and add
SAE 10W-30 CD, CE, CF, CF-4, or CG4 oil until level
reaches the FULL mark on the dipstick. Do not overfill.
Capacity is 7.5 qt. (7 L) with filter
5. Install oil fill cap and close hood.
Figure 1
1. Hood Latch
Figure 2
1. Dipstick
Figure 3
1. Filler Cap