Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-D
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Electrical System (Rev. C)
Electrical System Quick Checks
Battery Test (Open Circuit Test)
This is a simple test used to determine the condition of
the battery at rest.
Tool required: Digital Multimeter - DC volts setting.
Test instructions: Set the multimeter to the DC Volts set-
ting. The battery should be at a temperature of 60_ to
100_ F. The ignition key should be off and all accesso-
ries turned off. Connect the positive (+) Volt meter lead
to the positive battery post and the negative (-) Voltme-
ter lead the the negative battery post.
Note: This test provides a relative condition of the
battery. Loadtesting of thebattery willprovide additional
and more accurate information.
Voltage Measured
Battery Charge
12.6 V (or higher) Fully charged (100%)
12.4 V 75% charged
12.2 V 50% charged
12.0 V 25% charged
Note: Regulated voltage will increase to
approximately 13.5 Volts when the engine is running.
Charging System Test
Thisis a simple test used to determine if a Charging sys-
tem is functioning. It will tell you if the charging system
has an output, but not how much (amps) or what it is ca-
pable of.
Tool required: Digital Multimeter - DC volts setting.
Test instructions: Connect the positive (+) multimeter
test lead on the positive Battery Post, and negative (-)
lead on thenegative BatteryPost. Leave testleads con-
nected and start engine andrun at 2000 RPMminimum.
Test results should be:
At least 1 volt over Open Circuit test results.
Example: Open Circuit Test results = 12.5v
Charging System Test results = 13.5v
Difference =+1.0v
Voltage Drop Testing
Thisis asimple testthat shouldbe usedto locateexcess
resistance in an electrical circuit.
Tool required: Digital Multimeter - DC volts setting.
Test instructions: Connect the positive (+) multimeter
test lead to the power side (or most positive) of the com-
ponent, circuit or connection. Connect the negative (-)
multimeter test lead to the ground side (or least positive)
of the component, circuit or connection. Turn on the cir-
cuittobetestedandreadthev oltage.Remember -when
performing voltage drop tests the circuit must be com-
plete and activated to locate the resistance!
Voltage Drop Specifications (Maximums)
High Amperage
Circuits (>20 A.)
Low Amperage
Circuits (<20 A.)
.4 volt feed side .2 volt feed side
.4 volt ground side .2 volt ground side