Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-DPage 3 - 8Kubota Diesel Engine
Adjust Alternator Belt
The condition and tension of all beltsshould be c hecked
periodically as recommended in the maintenance
schedules in Chapter 2 - Product Records and Mainte-
1. Park machine on a level s urface, lower cutting units,
stop engine, engage parking brake, and remove key
from the ignition switch.
2. Release hood latch and open hood.
3. Check tension by depressing belt midway between
alternator and crankshaft pulleys with 22 lb. (9.9 Kg) of
force. Belt should deflect 7/16 in. (11 mm). If belt adjust-
ment is necessary, proceed to the next step.
4. Loosen bolts securing alternator to support bracket
and to engine.
5. Gently pry alternator away from engine.
6. When proper tension is achieved, tighten alternator
7. Close hood and secure latch.
Figure 8
1. Belt
2. Bolt
3. Bolt
4. Support Bracket
5. Alternator