DPA Cutting
Rev. EReelmaster 6500--D/6700--D
DPA Cutting Units
Page 7.2 -- 11
Set Up and Adjustments
Never install or work on the cutting units or lift
arms with the engine running. Always stop en-
gine and remove key first.
The dual knob bedknife--to--reel adjustment system in-
corporated in this cutting unit simplifies the adjustment
procedure needed to deliver optimum mowing perfor-
mance. The precise adjustment possible with this de-
sign gives the necessary control to provide a continual
self--sharpening action. This feature maintains sharp
cutting edges, assures good quality of cut and greatly
reduces the need for routine backlapping.
In addition, the rear roller positioning system allows for
various height-of-cut ranges and aggressiveness of cut
If a cutting unit is determined to be out of adjustment,
completethe followingprocedures in the specifiedorder
to adjust the cutting unit properly.
1. Adjust the bedknife parallel to the reel.
2. Determine desired height--of--cut range and install
rear roller mounting shim(s) accordingly.
3. Adjust the height--of--cut.
See Cutting Unit Operator’s Manual for cutting unit ad-
justment procedures for your Reelmaster.