Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 - 91
Figure 60
Check all mating surfaces. Replace any parts with
scratches or burrs that could cause leakage. Wash all
metalpartsin cleansolvent. Blowthem drywith pressur-
ized air.Do notwipe parts drywith papertowels orcloth.
Lint in a hydraulic system will cause damage.
Note: Always use new seals when reassembling the
steering control unit.
IMPORTANT: During reassembly, lubricate the new
seals with petroleum jelly. Also lubricate machined
surfaces and bearings with clean hydraulic fluid.
1. Install the quad seal:
A. Put one of the bearing races and sleeve into the
B. Together, the housing and bearing race create a
groove into which the quad seal will be installed.
C. Hold the bearing racetightly againstthe input end
of the housing by pushing on the gerotor end of the
D. Fitthequad sealinto itsseatthrough theinputend
of the housing. Be sure the seal is not twisted.
E. Remove the sleeve and bearing race.
2. Lubricate and install the dust seal (Fig. 62).
Figure 61
Figure 62