Rev. F
Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 - 5
Pushing or Towing Traction Unit
In an emergency, the machine can be moved by actuat-
ing the bypass valve in the variable displacement hy-
draulic pump and pushing or towing the machine.
IMPORTANT: Donot push or tow the machine faster
than 2 to 3 MPH (3 to 4.8 km/h) because internal
transmission damage may occur. The bypass valve
must be open whenever the machine is pushed or
1. The bypass valve is located on top of variable dis-
placement pump (Fig. 6). Rotate the valve 90_ in either
direction, to open and allow oil to bypass internally. Be-
cause fluid is bypassed, the machine can be moved
slowly without damaging the transmission.
2. For towing, attach one end of a suitable chain, strap
orcableto thefrontframe member(Fig.7), andthe other
end to a vehicle that is capable of towing the machine
safely.An operatormuststeer themachinebeingtowed.
3. After towing or pushing, close the bypass valve be-
fore starting the engine. Do not exceed 5 to 8 ft.-lb. (7 to
11 Nm) torque to close the valve.
IMPORTANT: Running the engine with the bypass
valve open will cause the transmission to overheat.
1. Bypass Valve
Figure 6
Figure 7
1. Front Frame Member
Check Hydraulic Fluid
The hydraulic system is designed to operate on anti-
wear hydraulic fluid. The reservoir holds about 8.5 U.S.
gallons (32 L) hydraulic fluid. Check level of hydraulic
fluid daily. See Operator’s Manual for fluid level check-
ing procedure and hydraulic oil recommendations.
1. Hydraulic Reservoir Cap
Figure 8