Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-DPage 6 - 4Axles, Planetaries and Brakes (Rev. C)
Changing Rear Axle Lubricant
Rear axle lubricant should be changed every 800 hours
of operation. Rear axle lubricant should be SAE
85W-140 gear lube.
1. Position machine on a level surface.
2. Clean area around the c heck plugs, drain plugs,and
fill/vent plug (Fig. 3, 4, & 5).
3. Removecheckplugs andfill/vent plugto alloweasier
rear axle draining.
4. Remove drain plugs and allowaxle lubricant to drain
into drain pans.
5. Reinstall all drainplugs after complete axle draining.
6. Slowlyadd lubricant through the fill/ventplug to bring
the lubricant level up to the bottom of the axle support
check plug hole (Fig. 4). As lubricant is added to fill/vent
plug, right and left gear cases will fill as well.
7. When lubricant level is correct, install all checkplugs
and fill/vent plug.
1. Axle support drain plug 2. Gear case drain plug
(right side shown)
Figure 3
1. Axle support check plug 2. Fill/vent plug
Figure 4
1. Gear case check plug
Figure 5