Rev. C
Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 - 19
Raise Cutting Units
Thehydraulic pump assembly is driven by a coupling at-
tached to the engineflywheel. The pump assembly con-
sists of a three section gear pump, a gerotor charge
pump, and a variable displacement piston pump.
Gear pump section (P3) provides oil flow through the
steering control valve and lift manifold to all five cutting
unit lift cylinders. Maximum circuit pressure (1500
PSI/104.0 bar) is limited by a relief valve in the gear
pump (R3).
When the cutting units are in the lowered position, flow
from the gear pump (P3) passes through the steering
controlvalve and intothe liftmanifold. Alllift manifold so-
lenoid valves are de-energized and flow is directed to
the hydraulic reservoir. An electrically activated flow di-
vider (FD1) is also de-energized, preventing flow be-
tween the #4 and 5 lift cylinders.
To raise the cutting units, solenoid v alves (SV3), (SV4),
(SV5), (SV6), (SV7), and (SV8) energize along with so-
lenoid valve (SV1) and flow divider (FD1). Solenoid
valve (SV2) is also energized, and directs oil flow to the
rod end of the lift cylinders. Hydraulic pressure against
the rod side of the cylinder causes the shafts to retract,
and raise the cutting units. When the solenoids and the
flow divider are de-energized, the lift cylinders are held
in the raised position.
Pressure to the lift manifold can be monitored at port