Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 - 69
Adjusting Valve (Cross-over Relief Valve) Service
Note: The adjusting valve (#8 Fig. 40) must be re-
placed as a complete assembly. Disassemble parts for
cleaning and inspection only.
1. Disassemble the adjusting valve parts. DO NOT at-
tempt to remove thevalve seat.It is installedw ith thread
locking compound at the factory.
2. Inspect adjusting valve bore and seat in valve block.
3. Inspect spring for damage.
4. Cleanand air dryall parts. Apply hydraulicoil to parts
and install in the same order they were removed.
Disassembly (Fig. 40)
Note: Parts must be replaced as a kit. Gears, gear
housing and bearing blocks cannot be serviced sepa-
rately. Replace complete motor if these parts are dam-
aged or severely worn. Refer to your Parts Catalog for
more information on available reel motor kits.
IMPORTANT: The motor is “run-in” at the factory to
obtain precise parts tolerances. Keep housing,
gears and bearings for each motor together. DO
NOT mix parts between different motors.
1. Plug ports and wash exterior of motor with cleaning
2. Drawa line across seam areas on flange, gear hous-
ing and valve block with a scribe or marker to ensure
proper reassembly.
IMPORTANT: Use caution when clamping in a vise
to avoid distorting any parts.
3. Secure the flange end of the motor in a vise with the
drive shaft pointing down.
4. Remove the four capscrews.
5. Put your hand on the case and gently tap case with
to drop parts or disengage gear mesh.
6. Remove valve block.
7. Removegearhousing. Make surerear bearingblock
remains on drive and idler gear shafts.
8. Remove rear bearing block from drive and idler gear
9. Before removing gear set, applymarking dye to mat-
ing teeth to retain “timing”. Motor efficiency may be af-
fected if the teeth are not installed in the same position
during reassembly.
10.Remove idler gear.
11.Remove drive gear and shaft slowly until drive end
is through shaft seal.
12.Remove front bearing block.
13.Wash all parts in cleaning solvent. Check all partsfor
burrs, scoring, nicks and other damage. If gears, hous-
ingorbearing blocksare damagedorseverely worn,en-
tire motor should be replaced.
Seal Replacement (Motor Disassembled)
1. Put flange on a clean, flatsurface with shaft s eal fac-
ing up. Remove retaining ring.
2. Remove shaft seal, being careful not to scratch seal
bore in flange. Scratches in seal bore could cause leak-
age. Make sure seal bore is clean.
3. Putnew shaftseal (part numberside up)in sealbore
and press seal into bore until seal reaches bottom of
bore. Uniform pressure must be applied to face of shaft
sealto prevent damageto seal and misalignmentin seal
4. Install retaining ring with sharp edge facing out.
E-seal Replacement
1. Put bearing block on a c lean, flat surface with E-seal
facing up. Remove E-seal. Clean E-seal groove.
2. Apply a light coating of grease or petroleum jelly in
E-seal groove and on back (flat) side of new E-seal. Put
E-seal, flat side up, into groove in bearing block.
3. Repeat for other bearing block.
O-ring Replacement
1. Remove dowel pins and O-rings from gear housing.
Clean O-ring grooves.
2. Apply a light coating of grease or petroleum jelly to
O-ring grooves in gear housing and install new O-rings
in each groove.