Rev. E
DPA Cutting
Reelmaster 6500--D/6700--D
DPA Cutting Units
Page 7.2 -- 9
Factor Possible Problem/Correction
Reel and bedknife sharpness A reel and/or bedknife that has rounded cutting edges
or “rifling” (grooved or wavy appearance) cannot be
corrected by tightening the bedknife to reel contact.
Grind cutting reel to remove taper and/or rifling. Grind
bedknife to sharpen and/or remove rifling.
The most common cause of r ifling is bedknife to reel
contact that is too tight.
Dull cutting edges must be corrected by grinding the
bedknife and cutting reel (see Preparing Reel for
Grinding in the Service and Repairs section of this
A new bedknife must be ground flat (within 0.002”)
after installation to the bedbar. Backlapping may
be required to properly mate the reel and bedknife
after installation into the cutting unit.
Note: On cutting units equipped with optional
bedknives, slightly dull c utting edges may be corrected
by backlapping (see Backlapping in the Service and
Repairs section of this chapter).
Rear roller adjustment Adjust the rear roller brackets to correct position
depending on the height--of--cut range desired.
See Rear Roller Adjustment in the Cutting Unit
Operator’s Manual.
Height--of --cut “Effective” or actual height--of--cut depends on the
cutting unit weight and turf conditions. Effective
height--of--cut will be different from the bench set
See Height--of--Cut Adjustment in the Cutting Unit
Operator’s Manual.
Proper bedknife selection for height--of--cut desired If the bedknife is incorrect for effective height--of--cut,
poor quality of cut will result.
See Cutting Unit Operator’s Manual for bedknife
Stability of bedbar Make sure bedbar pivot bolts are seated securely.
Check condition of the bushings in the side plates.
See Bedbar Removal and Installation in the Service
and Repairs section of this chapter.
Number of reel blades Use correct number of reel blades for clip frequency
and optimum height--of--cut range.
Cutting unit alignment and carrier frame ground
Check carrier frames and lift arms for damage, binding
conditions or bushing wear. Repair if necessary.