Rev. E
Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-D
Page 5 - 35
Electrical System (Rev. C)
Seat Sensor
The sensor consists of two parts. The reed switch is lo-
anism and has a normally open contact. The switch
sion mechanism and is made of a magnetic material.
When the operator sits in the seat, the magnetic field of
the actuator is positioned near the reed switch and the
contact in the switch closes.
This sensor can be tested using the “Input Checks” fea-
ture of the ACE Diagnostic tool.
The sensor can also be tested manually.
1. Raisetheseat togetaccess to theseat sensorwiring
2. Disconnect the seat sensor wiring connector and
install a continuity tester or ohm meter between the two
leads of the s eat sensor.
3. Lowerthe seat.The continuity tester should show no
Note: Make sure the compression spring holds the
seat up off the seat sensor when there is no operator on
the seat.
4. Have the operator sit on the seat, slowly depressing
the seat sensor magnet. The continuity tester should
showcontinuity asthe seat approaches the bottom of its
1. Reed switch 2. Switch actuator
Figure 47
Note: On machines with serial numbers above
230000001,a normallyopen seat switchis used instead
of the seat sensor. This switch is mounted to the bottom
of the seat cushion. When the operator sits in the seat,
the switch closes. The seat switch can be tested using
the “Input Checks” feature of the ACE Diagnostic tool.
If necessary, continuity of the seat switch can be
checked by unplugging the seat switch harness under
the seat. With no pressure on the s eat, there should be
no continuity between the seat switch terminals. Press
directly onto the seat switch through the seat cushion.
There should be continuity as the seat cushion
approaches the bottom of its travel.
Joystick Raise and Lower/Mow Switches
Two micro switches for the joy stick are located in the lift
control mechanism that is inside the control console.
The rear switch on the mechanism is used to lower the
reels and the front switch to raisethem. A normally open
contact closes when the joy stick is positioned to either
lower or raise the reels.
These switches can be tested using the “Input Checks”
feature of the ACE Diagnostic tool.
The switches can also be tested manually. Each switch
has a electrical connector to make sure the normally
closed contact on the switch is not used. The raise
switch has violetand blackw ires connected to it andthe
lower switch has pink and black wires.
1. Joy stick
2. Micro switch
3. Lift control mechanism
Figure 48