
Searching the DiVitas Directory and Adding DiVitas Contacts
DiVitas Client User Guide for Nokia E and N Series Phones, v2.7
Searching the DiVitas Directory and Adding DiVitas Contacts
You can search the DiVitas directory on the server for other DiVitas users, and add them
to your Contacts list.
To search the directory on the server for other DiVitas users:
1 From the Contacts screen, select Options > Search directory.
2 Select the By name or By extension.
3 Enter all or part of a name or extension number.
4 Press the Navi scroll key or select OK.
The DiVitas Client searches the server directory and displays all matching users in the
contacts list.
To add a DiVitas user to your Contacts list:
1 Select the contact.
2 Select Options > Add this contact.
The client adds the contact and sends a request to the server for the contact’s
presence status. If the user is not logged into the server, “Request pending” appears
beneath the contact name. As soon as the contact logs into the server, the “Request
pending” message is removed and the user’s presence and personal status message
is shown.
Adding an IVR Number to the Contacts List
If desired, users can enter an interactive voice response (IVR) number in their contact list.
By entering the phone number for the IVR system, along with the pass code, and one or
more P’s in the dial string, users do not have to punch in the pass code every time they
dial into the IVR system.
For example, when a user dials into a conference bridge number 8881234567 with a pass
code of 9876, he can enter the dial string as ‘8881234567pp9876’. Each “p” in the dial
string would translates to a specific amount of delay (typically 2-seconds) such that when
the call is picked up at the remote end, a pause is introduced in between the sets of
You can add a phone number to an existing contact by selecting an entry from a
recent call list, a call log, or an instant message and then selecting Options >
Add to contact > Update existing.