Nokia 5140 Cell Phone User Manual

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The first time you use Fitness coach, enter your personal information, which includes your sex, birthday, measurement unit,
height, weight, endurance level, and strength level. Additional data includes your maximum heart rate and resting heart rate.
Select a program with Planner to guide you through planning and setting goals for your fitness program. Or, you can select
Quick start to immediately begin a program based on your personal profile.
In the main menu, select from the following options:
Quick start—allows you to quickly select the type of training, the discipline, time for a session, and level of difficulty.
Planner—allows you to create a personal training program, select objectives, select a discipline for each objective, select
the week for training, a timer per session, and the number of weeks for the program.
Today's training—allows you to immediately begin a planned program or to delete and design a new plan.
Synchronise—allows you to synchronize your Fitness monitor with your Training journal.
Training journal—keeps track of your training from the Fitness monitor.
In Quick start and Planner, you can select your personal objectives and the discipline, or type of exercise you prefer to achieve
your objectives.
In Quick start, you can begin training in Fitness centre, Outdoor, or Swimming.
In Planner, you can select training objectives, such as Endurance, Strength, or Fitness.
If you select Endurance, select from the disciplines Cycling, Running, Rowing, Stair-stepping, or Swimming. Press Select,
Options, and OK. Finish designing your program by choosing a goal, days of the week, and the number of weeks for the
If you select Strength, select the type of equipment, goal, days of the week, and number of weeks for the program.
If you select Fitness, select from the disciplines Cycling, Running, Rowing, or Stair-stepping. Press Select, Options, and OK.
Finish designing your program by choosing a goal, days of the week, and the number of weeks for the program.
The calculator adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides, calculates the square and the square root, and converts currency values.
Performing a calculation
Note: This calculator has limited accuracy and is designed for simple calculations.
1. Press Menu, and select Applications Extras Calculator.
2. When 0 is displayed on the screen, key in the first number in the calculation. Press
to enter a decimal point.
3. Press Options, and select Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Square, Square root, or Change sign. Alternatively, to add, subtract,
multiply, or divide, press
4. Key in the second number for the calculation, if needed.
For a total, press Equals.
5. To start a new calculation, press and hold Clear.
Converting currency
1. To save the exchange rate, press Options, and select Exchange rate.
2. Key in the exchange rate, press
for a decimal point, and press OK.
The exchange rate remains in the memory until you replace it with another one.
3. To perform the currency conversion, key in the amount to be converted, and press Options.
4. Select the type of conversion you want: In domestic or In foreign.
Tip: You can also perform the currency conversion in standby mode. Key in the amount to be converted,
press Options, and select In domestic or In foreign.
Digital compass
The phone has a digital compass that shows direction both graphically and in digits.
The compass should always be properly calibrated. Electromagnetic fields, large metal objects, and other external
circumstances may reduce the accuracy of the compass. Never rely solely on the compass of the phone.
The proper calibration of the compass requires that you calibrate the compass against the magnetic north and set the
declination value according to your location. The declination is the difference between the magnetic north and true north.
The compass adjusts each direction with the set value.
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