108 Chapter2
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L Bottom
Displays the active function in the bottom-left corner of the display.
Key Path:
Display, Active Fctn Position
Readback: Bottom reads back to line 3 of this key.
State Saved: Not saved in instrument state, survives power cycle and preset.
Factory Preset: No effect, persistent variable, survives power cycle and preset.
Default: Center
History: Added with firmware revision A.04.00
Remote Command:
:DISPlay:AFUNction:POSition BOTtom
2.4.5 Limits
Limit lines can be defined to compare the data to your defined limits and indicate a pass or
fail condition.
Limits accesses menus that allow you to create, modify, and change the
properties of limit lines. There are two limit lines in the instrument.
Key Path:
State Saved: Not saved in instrument state.
SCPI Status Bits/
OPC Dependencies: No OPC dependencies.
Default: Unaffected by system defaults.