Chapter 3 185
Instrument Functions: M - O
Instrument Functions: M - O
Returns the midpoint trace point.
:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:X:POSition:SPAN <param>
Sets the spacing between the markers to a specified number of trace points.
Returns the spacing of the markers in trace points.
:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:X:CENTer <param>
Sets the mid point of the markers to a specific frequency with a range that matches the
units of the trace on which the markers are positioned.
Returns the midpoint frequency.
:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:X:SPAN <param>
Sets the spacing between the markers to a specified frequency with a range that matches
the units of the trace on which the markers are positioned.
Returns the spacing of the markers in frequency.
Example: CALC:MARK3:MODE SPAN selects marker 3 and sets it to
Span Pair.
CALC:MARK4:X:POS:SPAN 200 sets the spacing between the markers to
200 trace points for marker pair 4.
CALC:MARK2:X:POS:CENT 300 sets the midpoint between the markers to
the 300th trace point from the left of the display. For a 601 point trace this
will be the middle of the display.
3.1.6 Off
Turns off the selected marker. In addition, Off turns off functions related to the selected
marker such as
Signal Track, Band/Intvl Power,andMarker Noise and removes marker
annotation from the display.
Key Path:
Remote Command:
See “Select Marker” on page 180 for the command to select the control mode.
Example: CALC:MARK3:STAT OFF selects marker 3 and sets it to
3.1.7 Marker Trace
Selects the trace that you want your marker or marker pair to be placed on. You can pick