112 Chapter2
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L
:CALC:LLIN:FAIL? Queries the status of the limit-line testing. Returns a
"0" if the data passes, and returns a "1" if there is a failure. This query
value is valid only if Margin or Test is On. Margin (On Off)
Turns margin
On or Off. Selecting On allows you to set a limit-line offset for the selected
limit line. Only positive margins are allowed for lower limits and only negative margins
are allowed for upper limits. The margin lines are displayed in a light grey color. If the
limit lines are off and margin is on, the trace is checked against the margin, then a pass or
fail margin is displayed. Either
Limit or Margin,aswellasTest, must be turned on to turn on
a limit test.
Key Path:
Display, Limits, Limit 1
, Limits, Limit 2
Couplings: If neither of the limits or margins are turned on, the test cannot be turned
on. That is, if both Limit and Margin are set to Off, then the test is turned off
automatically. If a margin has been set for this limit line, and this key is
used to change the limit type, then the margin values is reset to 0 dB.
State Saved: Not saved in instrument state. Survives preset and power cycle.
Factory Preset
and *RST: Off
Default: Off (when a limit line is created). Default value is not affected by a preset.
Units: dB
Terminators: dB, −dB
Default Terminator: dB
Resolution: 0.1 dB
Knob Increment: −0.1 dB (Upper); 0.1 dB (Lower)
Step Key
Increment: −1 dB (Upper); 1 dB (Lower)
Range: 0 to −40 dB (Upper); 0 to 40 dB (Lower)
History: Added with firmware revision A.03.00
Remote Command:
:CALCulate:LLINe[1]|2:MARGin:STATe OFF|ON|0|1 turns on margins on or off. If the
margin and limit display are both turned off, limit test is automatically turned off.