374 Chapter5
One-Button Measurement Functions
Meas Setup (Burst Power)
One-Button Measurement Functions
NOTE The measurements described above are those available in SA mode (see Mode
key). Other measurements are available in other modes if an optional
personality is installed.
Key Path:
Meas Setup
Factory Preset: Above Threshold Lvl (THReshold)
Range: Measured Burst Width (BWIDth) to Above Threshold Lvl (THReshold)
History: Added with firmware revision A.02.00
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:BPOWer:METHod THReshold|BWIDth
Example: BPOW:METH BWID to select burst width as the measurement method.
5.8.6 Burst Width
Sets the burst width parameter to automatic mode (
Auto) or manual mode (Man).
• Auto — The burst width is automatically calculated based on the threshold level. For
example, if the threshold level is set to 3 dB, the burst width will be the time between
the two 3 dB points. This will update after each sweep, but before any results are
calculated. Since the measurement only measures over the burst width, this will force a
measurement between the 3 dB points.
• Man — The burst width used for computing the burst power is controlled by either
entering it directly or as a percentage of the measured burst width. In the percentage
case, the burst width is computed just once based on the most recent measured burst
width. In either case, the burst width is centered on the observed burst in each
NOTE This key will be greyed out if Meas Method is set to Above Threshold Lvl.
Key Path:
Meas Setup
Factory Preset: 542.77 µs
Terminators: %, s, ms, µs, ns (% from front panel only)
Default Terminator: seconds (s)
Knob Increment: 0.1 µs
Step Key
Increment: 10 µs