394 Chapter5
One-Button Measurement Functions
Marker (Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function—CCDF)
One-Button Measurement Functions
Remote Command:
“Marker” on page 177 for the mode command.
Example: CALC:PST:MARK3:MODE DELT selects marker 3 as a delta marker and
places a reference marker at the 0 dB point on the specified trace (see
“Marker Trace” on page 394). If marker 3 is OFF it places both the active and
the reference markers at the 0 dB point of the specified trace.
5.13.4 Off
Turns off the selected marker. In addition, Off also turns off functions related to the
selected marker.
Key Path:
Marker (after MEASURE, Power Stat CCDF is selected.)
Remote Command:
“Select Marker” on page 180 for the command to select the control mode.
CALC:PST:MARK3:STAT OFF selects marker 3 and sets it to
5.13.5 Marker Trace
Chooses which trace the selected marker will be placed on. You can pick Measured, Gaussian,
or Reference.
Key Path:
Marker (after MEASURE, Power Stat CCDF is selected.)
State Saved: The
Marker Trace for each marker is saved in instrument state.
Factory Preset: Measured
Remote Command:
:CALCulate:PSTatistic:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:TRACe MEASured|GAUSsian|REFerence
Puts the marker on the specified trace.
The query returns the type of the trace on which the marker currently resides.
Example: CALC:PST:MARK1:TRAC GAUSsian places marker 1 on the Gaussian trace.
5.13.6 Marker All Off
Turns off all markers.