580 Chapter8
Using the STATus System
STATus Subsystem
Using the STATus System
This command determines which bits in the Questionable Integrity
Condition register will set the corresponding bit in the Questionable
Integrity Event register when the condition register bit has a positive
transition (0 to 1). The variable <number> is the sum of the decimal
values of the bits that you want to enable.
Key Type: There is no equivalent front panel key.
Factory Preset: 32767 (all 1’s)
Range: 0 to 32767
Questionable Integrity Signal Register
Questionable Integrity Signal Condition
This query returns the decimal value of the sum of the bits in the
Questionable Integrity Signal Condition register.
NOTE The data in this register is continuously updated and reflects the
current conditions.
Key Type: There is no equivalent front panel key.
Questionable Integrity Signal Enable
:STATus:QUEStionable:INTegrity:SIGNal:ENABle <number>
This command determines which bits in the Questionable Integrity
Signal Condition Register will set bits in the Questionable Integrity
Signal Event register, which also sets the Integrity Summary bit (bit 9)
in the Questionable Register. The variable <number> is the sum of the
decimal values of the bits you want to enable.
Key Type: There is no equivalent front panel key.
Factory Preset: 32767 (all 1’s)
Range: 0 to 32767
Questionable Integrity Signal Event Query
This query returns the decimal value of the sum of the bits in the