212 Chapter4
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Peak Search
Instrument Functions: P - Z
4.1.5 Pk-Pk Search
Finds and displays the amplitude and frequency (or time, if in zero span) differences
between the highest and lowest trace points by setting a reference marker on the peak
signal and placing a ∆ marker on the minimum signal.
Key Path:
Peak Search
State Saved: Not part of saved state.
Remote Command:
CALC:MARK:Y? queries the delta amplitude value for marker 1. For more
information on this command, see
“Marker” on page 177.
4.1.6 Mkr->CF
See “Mkr->CF” on page 197 for the command to select this function.
Key Path:
Peak Search
4.1.7 Continuous Pk
When a marker is placed on a signal and Continuous Pk is pressed, the marker will remain
on the signal even if the signal frequency changes, as long as the amplitude of the signal
does not change by more than 3 dB from one sweep to another.
If the signal is lost, an attempt will be made to find it again and maintain the marker on
the signal peak. If there are other signals on screen near the same amplitude, one of them
may be found instead. Signals near 0 Hz cannot be maintained effectively, because they
cannot be distinguished from the LO feedthrough, which is excluded by intent from the
search algorithm.
NOTE This function is intended to maintain the marker on signals with a frequency
that is changing, and an amplitude that is not changing.
Key Path:
Peak Search
State Saved: Saved in instrument state.
Factory Preset: Off
Remote Command:
:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:CPEak[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1