Chapter 5 303
One-Button Measurement Functions
MEASURE (Spectrum Analysis Mode)
One-Button Measurement Functions
If the current span setting is narrower than the mask width, the mask will not be
displayed and the message 10191 displayed. Increase the span to at least the mask width
to display the mask. When the mask is not displayed, the pass/fail functionality will not be
executed therefore no pass/fail flag will be displayed.
To ensure accuracy this measurement requires a specific minimum Sweep Point to Span
ratio. This is calculated using; Sweep Points = Span / (Closest Mask Breakpoint / 2), then
rounded off.
For DVB-T measurements using 24 MHz Span, the number of Sweep Points is 2001. If the
Sweep Point to Span ratio is changed to a value less than the value obtained using the
above algorithm, the message 10192 is then displayed, although the measurement is still
made using the new sweep point to span ratio.
Key Path:
Remote Command:
Remote Command Notes: The main channel power is returned in the current amplitude
units, and the density value is returned in current amplitude units/Hz
Example: FETC:CHP? or MEAS:CHP? or READ:CHP? command returns scalar results
of main channel power and power density.
will return the single scalar result specified.
Measurement Results Available
Command Results Returned
Not Applicable
Returns two values that correspond to the Channel
Power and Power Spectral Density.
Returns a single value that corresponds to the Channel
Returns a single value that corresponds to the Power
Spectral Density.