Chapter 2 149
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L Delete Now
Executes the delete function. After you select the file or directory you want to delete, press
Delete Now to perform the delete. While the file is being deleted, the popup message
“Deleting file”followedby“Reading directory” are displayed. After a successful
deletion, the text message “xxxxxx file deleted” (where xxxxxx is the file name)
appears in the status line.
If you select a directory or subdirectory to delete, the following popup message is displayed
“WARNING: You are about to delete all of the contents of directory xxxxxx.
Press Delete Now again to proceed or any other key to abort.” (xxxxxx is the full
path and directory name).
Delete Now repeatedly until all the files are deleted.
Key Path:
File, Delete
Remote Command:
:MMEMory:DELete <‘file_name’> deletes a file.
:MMEMory:RDIRectory <‘directory_name’> deletes a directory.
Remote Command Notes: If <‘file_name’> does not exist, a “File Name Error”occurs.
<‘file_name’> and <‘directory_name’> must include the complete
path. Lowercase characters are read as uppercase.
Example: MMEM:DEL ‘C:\destinat.trc’ removes the file C:\DESTINAT.TRC.
MMEM:RDIR ‘C:\myDir’ removes directory C:\MYDIR and all files and
subdirectories within that directory. Type
Allows you to select the type of file you want to delete.
See “File Types” on page 127 and
“Type” on page 131 for more information.
Allows you to select the type of files to be displayed for you to delete. Common types of
instrument data files include trace data, limit line data, and amplitude correction data.
The catalog displays all files, if
Type is set to All or files of the currently selected file type.
All directories are always displayed.
Key Path:
File, Delete Sort
Allows you to view your saved files according to a selected file attribute.
See “Sort” on
page 133
for more information.
Key Path:
File, Delete