Chapter 2 89
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L
Remote Commands:
[:SENSe]:AVERage[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1
[:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt <integer>
Remote Command Notes: For valid average data, you must re-start the trace at the
beginning of a sweep. To do this remotely, first abort (:ABORT) the sweep
and then initiate a single sweep (:INIT:CONT OFF).
Example: AVER ON
AVER:CLE clears the current average and restarts the averaging process.
2.2.5 Avg/VBW Type
Displays the functions that enable you to automatically or manually choose one of the
following averaging scales: log-power (video), power (RMS), or voltage averaging.
NOTE When you select log-power averaging, the measurement results are the
average of the signal level in logarithmic units (decibels). When you select
power average (RMS), all measured results are converted into power units
before averaging and filtering operations, and converted back to decibels for
displaying. Remember: there can be significant differences between the
average of the log of power and the log of the average power.
The following are the averaging processes within a spectrum analyzer, all of which are
affected by this setting:
• Trace averaging (see BW/Avg) averages signal amplitudes on a trace-to-trace basis.
• Average detector (see Detector, Average) averages signal amplitudes during the time or
frequency interval represented by a particular measurement point.
• Noise Marker (see Marker Noise)averagessignalamplitudesacrossmeasurementpoints
to reduce variations for noisy signals.
• VBW filtering adds video filtering which is a form of averaging of the video signal.
When manual is selected, the type is shown on the left side of the display with a #.When
auto is selected, the analyzer chooses the type of averaging. When one of the average types
is selected manually, the analyzer uses that type regardless of other analyzer settings, and
Avg/VBW Type to Man.
Key Path:
BW/Avg or Auto Couple