216 Chapter4
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Peak Search
Instrument Functions: P - Z
you want Peak Search to take advantage of the threshold excursion.
Example: :CALC:MARK:PEAK:EXC 30 DB sets the minimum peak excursion
requirement to 30 dB.
See the full example for the CALC:MARK:PEAK:SEAR:MODE command
below. Pk Threshold
Specifies the minimum signal level for the analyzer internal peak identification routine to
recognize as a peak. A signal must rise above the
Peak Threshold by the value specified in
Peak Excursn, then fall back to the Peak Threshold,tobeconsideredapeak.Thisappliestoall
traces and all windows. Press
ESC or select another active function to hide the threshold
line. Applies to
Next Peak, Next Peak Left,andNext Peak Right.IfPeak Search is set to Param, it
also applies to Peak Search.
Key Path:
Peak Search, Search Param
Couplings: This function is not available when Y-Axis is set to Frequency instead of
State Saved: Saved in instrument state.
Factory Preset: –90 dBm
Terminators: dBmV, dBµV, d BµΑ, V, W, A
Default Terminator: dBm
Truncation: .001 dBm
Knob Increment: amp scale = LOG: 1 % of dB/div or 0.01 (the larger of the two)
amp scale = LIN: 0.1 dBm
Step Key
Increment: amp scale = LOG: dB/div
amp scale = LIN:
Range: From the current reference level to the bottom of the display range
Remote Command:
:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:PEAK:THReshold <ampl>
Remote Command Notes: CALC:MARK:PEAK:SEAR:MODE must be set to PARameter if
you want peak search to take advantage of the threshold excursion.