224 Chapter4
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Instrument Functions: P - Z
4.2.2 Mode Preset
ThiskeyisonlyavailablewhenthepresettypeissettoUser.PressSystem, Power On/Preset,
Preset Type, User.
A mode preset does not change the mode. It resets only the current mode settings to the
factory defaults.
Key Path:
History: Added with firmware revision A.02.00
Remote Command:
The *RST command always does a mode preset, except that it sets the instrument to do a
single sweep/measurement instead of continuous.
Example: SYST:PRES:TYPE MODE selects the mode type preset
SYST:PRES immediately presets the current analyzer mode
4.2.3 Factory Preset
This key is available only when the preset type is set to User. Press System, Power On/Preset,
Preset Type, Factory.
A factory preset returns instrument settings to the factory default values. If you are not
already in the spectrum analysis mode, it switches to that mode. A factory preset does not
reset “persistent” functions such as GPIB address, time/date display style, or
auto-alignment state (see “Restore Sys Defaults” on page 231.)
Key Path:
Remote Command:
:SYSTem:PRESet See“:SYSTem:PRESet”onpage186.
Remote Command Notes: This command will not reset “persistent” functions such as
GPIB address, time/date display style, or auto-alignment state to their
factory defaults. Use SYSTem:PRESet:PERSistent. See “Restore Sys
Defaults” on page 231.
Example: SYST:PRES:TYPE FACT selects the factory type preset
SYST:PRES immediately presets the analyzer to its factory defaults