Chapter 3 189
Instrument Functions: M - O
Instrument Functions: M - O
3.1.9 Marker Table
When set to On the display is split into a measurement window and a marker data display
window. For each marker pair, information is displayed in the data display window, which
includes the marker number, trace number, marker type, X axis value, and the amplitude
of the marker or the delta value, if a delta marker, or the function value, if in a marker
function such as
Marker Noise or Band/Intvl Power.
NOTE Selecting any measurement (including Meas Off) under Measure, turns off the
marker table.
Key Path:
Factory Preset: Off
Remote Command:
:CALCulate:MARKer:TABLe:STATe? returns 1 if ON or 0 if OFF.
Example: CALC:MARK:TABL:STAT ON turns on the marker table.
3.1.10 Marker All Off
Turns off all markers, including markers used for signal track. This key also turns off
marker related functions such as Signal Track, Band Interval Power,andMarker Noise.
Key Path:
Remote Command:
Example: CALC:MARK:AOFF turns off all markers.