Chapter 3 203
Instrument Functions: M - O
Instrument Functions: M - O
3.5 MODE
Selects the measurement mode of your analyzer. Spectrum Analysis mode is for general
purpose measurement use. The instrument comes with the Spectrum Analysis mode.
Additional measurement modes can be added to your instrument memory. Refer to the
individual measurement personality mode manuals for instructions on how to install the
Couplings: Other modes, besides Spectrum Analysis, must be installed/licensed in
your instrument before they will appear in the
Mode menu. Some modes
also require the presence of specific hardware.
Saved State: Saved in instrument state.
SCPI Status Bits/
OPC Dependencies: If you are using the status bits and the analyzer mode is changed, the
status bits should be read, and any errors resolved, prior to switching
modes. Error conditions that exist prior to switching modes cannot be
detected using the condition registers after the mode change. This is true
unless they recur after the mode change, although transitions of these
conditions can be detected using the event registers.
their power-on defaults. Hence, any event or condition register masks
must be re-established after a mode change. Also note that the power up
status bit is set by any mode change, since that is the default state after
power up.
Factory Preset: Spectrum Analysis
Preset Type Mode is selected, then the analyzer settings are preset but it
stays in that selected mode.
Remote Command: