430 Chapter5
One-Button Measurement Functions
Meas Setup (Multi-Carrier Power—MCP)
One-Button Measurement Functions
5.19.2 Avg Mode
Press Avg Mode to select the type of termination control used for the averaging function as
Exp or Repeat. This determines the averaging action after the specified number of
measurements (average count) is reached.
• EXP (Exponential Averaging mode)—When you set Avg Mode to Exp, each successive data
acquisition after the average count is reached is exponentially weighted and combined
with the existing average. Exponential averaging weights new data more than old data,
which facilitates tracking of slow-changing signals. The average will be displayed at the
end of each sweep.
• Repeat—When you set Avg Mode to Repeat, after reaching the average count, all previous
result data is cleared and the average count is set back to 1.
Key Path:
Meas Setup
State Saved: Saved in instrument state.
Factory Preset: Exponential
History: Added with firmware revision A.02.00
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:MCPower:AVERage:TCONrol EXPonential|REPeat
5.19.3 Carrier Setup
Accesses the Carrier Setup and Configure Carriers menus that allow you to define the
various parameters for each carrier.
Key Path:
Meas Setup
History: Added with firmware revision A.03.00.
Remote Command:
There is no equivalent remote command.