232 Chapter4
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Print Setup
Instrument Functions: P - Z
4.4.3 Prints/Page
Selects the number of display prints per page when orientation is set to Portrait. The page
will be ejected after the selected number of prints has been printed.
NOTE For Landscape printing, Prints/Page is always set to 1.
Key Path:
Print Setup, Orientation
State Saved: Persistent, survives Preset and power cycle, but not saved in Instrument
Factory Preset: 1 print/page
Range: 2
Remote Command:
:HCOPy:PAGE:PRINts <integer>
4.4.4 Eject Page
Ejects your printed page.
Key Path:
Print Setup, Orientation
Remote Command:
Ejects the page if prints per page is set to 2 and only 1 print has completed. Otherwise the
page automatically ejects after the print is complete.
4.4.5 Page Size
Allows you to select from the following page sizes: Executive, Letter, Legal, Ledger, A4,andA3.
Key Path:
Print Setup
State Saved: Persistent, survives Preset and power cycle, but not saved in Instrument
Factory Preset: Letter
Remote Command: