Chapter 4 249
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Instrument Functions: P - Z Power On
Enables you to set the state the analyzer will be put in when it is powered on. You can set
the state to Last or Preset.
If Power On is set to Last, then the instrument returns to the last saved instrument state
and all the modes are restored to that last state. The instrument saves its current state
internally every 2 minutes. So the last saved state, that is restored at power-on, is the state
at power-off or within a maximum of two minutes before power-off.
Power On is set to Preset, the instrument state is determined by the preset type setting
prior to turning the power off.
• Preset type Factory powers on in the Spectrum Analysis mode and all modes are set to
their factory defaults.
• Preset type Mode powers on with the last mode the analyzer was in when it was powered
off and presets that mode to the factory defaults. It also restores all other modes to their
factory preset.
• Preset type User powers on with the user defined state, saved when a Save User Preset
was last performed.
The setting (Last or Preset) of the Power On function is not changed by pressing
the Power On/Preset menu key function to change the setting of the analyzer state that is
recalled at power on. Limit lines are not recalled when the analyzer is powered on. Refer to
“Preset” on page 221 for more information.
Key Path:
System, Power On/Preset
State Saved: Survives preset and power cycle, but not saved in Instrument State.
SCPI Status Bits/
OPC Dependencies: None
Remote Command:
Example: SYST:PON:TYPE LAST defines the power on type as the last state the
analyzer was in before power was turned off.