342 Chapter5
One-Button Measurement Functions
Mode Setup (Spectrum Analysis Mode)
One-Button Measurement Functions
Example: RAD:STAN:DEV MS Packet Type
This function is only available when the standard you have selected is Bluetoothâ„¢. It
enables you to set the instrument settings for testing DH1, DH3, or DH5 packet type.
Key Path:
Mode Setup, Std Setup
Factory Preset: DH1
History: Added with PSA firmware revision A.02.00
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:RADio:STANdard:PACKet DH1|DH3|DH5
Example: RAD:STAN:PACK DH1 Band Class
This function is only available when you have selected the standard: IS-95C. It enables you
to select the band class.
Key Path:
Mode Setup, Std Setup
Factory Preset: US/K or Cell
History: Added with PSA firmware revision A.02.00
Remote Command:
5.3.3 Retain Params
Enables you to retain the base-instrument parameter settings used by individual
measurements that are typically lost when switching between measurements.
Retain Params is set to Off, the values of the fully configurable parameters saved and
recalled during a measurement change.
Retain Params is set to On, the fully configurable parameters will be saved and recalled
during a measurement change, along with
Span, Ref Level, Single/Cont, Detector, Avg/VBW Type,
Points, and if applicable, Spectrum/Bar/Combined and Graticule On/Off.