Chapter 5 391
One-Button Measurement Functions
Marker (Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function—CCDF)
One-Button Measurement Functions
5.13 Marker
(Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function—CCDF)
Displays the Marker control menu for the CCDF measurement. All markers are off until
either Normal or Delta is pressed. There are three control modes for the markers:
• Normal (POSition)-A single marker placed at the 0 dB point of the selected value of
Marker Trace that can be moved to any point on the trace.
• Delta (DELTa)-Places the selected marker and the next marker at the position of the
previous marker on the specified trace (selected by pressing
Marker Trace). The next
marker is the reference marker (set to normal) and the selected marker is a moveable
marker (delta) that you can place at any point on the trace. The difference between the
selected marker and the reference marker is displayed.
• Off (Off)-Turns off the active marker.
Key Path: Front-panel key
State Saved: The control mode for each marker, as well as the position of each marker, is
saved in instrument state.
Factory Preset: All Off.
History: Added with firmware revision A.02.00
Remote Command:
There is no equivalent remote command. These commands control the three marker
modes. Refer to the Normal, Delta, and Off key descriptions for additional information.
:CALCulate:PSTatistic:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:MODE NORMal|DELTa|OFF
Remote Command Notes: See also the marker positioning commands:
“Marker X Position” on page 395
“Marker Y Position (Remote Command Only)” on page 396
“Marker Maximum and Minimum (Remote Command Only)” on page 397
Example: CALC:PST:MARK:MODE DELT activates a delta marker (marker 1) at the 0
dB point of your measurement (yellow line).