Chapter 5
Changing regional settings
To change regional settings
1. On the Home screen, press Start > More > Settings > More > More > Regional Settings.
2. In Language, select your preferred language for the phone interface and menus.
3. In Locale, select your current location. The Locale option automatically changes the format of
4. Press Doneafteryouhavenishedmakingchanges.
NOTE To activate the new language settings, you will need to turn the phone off and
back on.
Changing prole settings
To quickly change the current prole
proleintheQuickListscreenandpressSelect. To open the second page of the Quick List screen
NOTE WhenproleissettoAutomatic, your phone will automatically switch to Silent
mode whenever you have a meeting set up in Calendar.
1. On the Home screen, press Start > More > Settings > Proles.
2. Scrolltotheproleyouwanttochange,pressMenu > Edit.