XV6600WOC User Manual122
XV6600WOC User Manual 123
Tips for Working in Pocket Excel
Note the following when working in large worksheets in
Pocket Excel:
n View in full screen mode to see as much of your worksheet
as possible. Tap View → Full Screen. To exit full screen
mode, tap Restore.
n Show and hide window elements. Tap View → tap the
elements you want to show or hide.
n Freeze panes on a worksheet. First select the cell where
you want to freeze panes. Tap View, then Freeze Panes.
You might want to freeze the top and left most panes in a
worksheet to keep row and column labels visible as you
scroll through a sheet.
n Split panes to view different areas of a large worksheet.
Tap View → Split. Then drag the split bar to where you
want it. To remove the split, tap View → Remove Split.
n Show and hide rows and columns. To hide a row or col-
umn, select a cell in the row or column you want to hide.
Then tap Format → Row or Column → Hide. To show
a hidden row or column, tap Tools → Go To, and then
type a reference that is in the hidden row or column. Then
tap Format → Row or Column → Unhide.