XV6600WOC User Manual80
XV6600WOC User Manual 81
To start the connection, begin using the desired program. For example,
switch to Pocket Internet Explorer and browse to a Web page. Your device
will automatically connect.
To change modem connection settings, in either My ISP or My Work Network
tap Manage existing connections. Select the desired modem connection,
tap Settings, and follow the instructions on the screen.
Setting up a WAP gateway
To access WAP sites through Pocket Internet Explorer, congure your device to use a
WAP gateway. Use the following steps to create a new set of connections to the Internet
with WAP gateway settings.
Get the following information from your ISP:
ISP server phone number, user name, and password. Also, contact your
mobile phone service provider and ask for your WAP gateway server name
and port number.
Tap → Settings → Connections tab → Connections → Tasks tab.
Tap Edit my proxy server. If a proxy server has not been set up, tap Set
up my proxy server.
In Programs that should automatically connect to and use the Internet, tap
New and enter a name for the ISP connection.
On the Proxy Settings tab, select This network connects to the Internet
and This network uses a proxy server to connect to the Internet.
If necessary, in the Proxy server box, enter the proxy server name.
Tap Advanced.
In the WAP box, enter the WAP gateway server name. Under Port, enter
the port number. The most common WAP
port number is 9201.
Create a modem connection. Also, if necessary, set dialing rules.