122 Social
The widget will only link to the Facebook account that you logged
into on the Facebook application.
Press HOME , and then tap > Widget > Facebook.
Choose the widget style, and then tap Select.
Drag the widget to a blank space on the Home screen, and then
Differences between Facebook for HTC Sense and
Facebook for Android application
Facebook for HTC Sense is not a standalone application. It is
integrated into People, Friend Stream, and Gallery to give you
up-to-date information about your Facebook contacts (their
status updates and new photos) in these applications.
The Facebook for Android application is a standalone application.
Use this application to do most of the things that you would do
when you’re using your computer’s web browser to access your
Facebook account, such as adding a friend and adding captions
to photos you upload.
The two do not share the same login credentials. Signing in to
Facebook for HTC Sense does not sign you in to the Facebook
application and vice versa. If you want to use the same Facebook
account for both, you’ll have to sign in to both using the same
login credentials.