Master Mode
Object Utilities
If any of the selected objects have dependents that were not selected, you will see the question:
If you answer Yes to this question, all dependent objects of the selected objects are deleted,
unless they are being used as dependents of other objects that are to remain in memory.
Answering No will delete only those objects that were selected.
This utility is for dumping selected objects over MIDI. If any of the selected objects have
dependents that were not selected, you will be asked the question “Dump dependent objects?”
Press OK to initiate a MIDI System Exclusive dump of the selected set of objects, one by one out
the MIDI Out port of the K2661. Dumping everything can generate massive dumps, so you
should know the limits of the device you’re dumping to.You can cancel the dump at any time
with the Cancel soft button.
Note that only sample objects (which contain the Start, Alt, Loop, and End points, as well as the
values of all parameters found on the MISC page in the Sample Editor) are dumped by this
utility, and not RAM sample data. (RAM sample data can be dumped via the MIDI Sample
Dump Standard from within the EditSample page. See Chapter 6 of the Musician’s Reference for
more information on the MIDI Sample Dump Standard.) Dumping the sample object of a RAM
sample is not very useful because the sample memory address ranges are fixed in the object.
This means that if you load the sample object back into the K2661 via MIDI, there is virtually no
way it will point to and play back the same area of sample memory as when it was dumped, let
alone the same sample data. However, this can lead to some interesting results.
Sample objects that reference the K2661’s ROM sample area will reference the same area when
you load them back in via MIDI.