Song Mode
Song Mode: The MISC Page
there when you press Play. The K2661 also responds to Song Position Pointer messages received
from an external source.
When you have the K2661 synced to another sequencer, the Song Position Pointer message shifts
the auxiliary sequencer’s start point correspondingly. This is normally an extremely convenient
feature, but there’s one thing to avoid.
The K2661 lets you set a negative value for Locate, which gives you a countoff before the song
starts (if you do this, set the Countoff parameter on the MISC page to Off, so you don’t repeat
the countoff). Keep in mind that the Song Position Pointer message doesn’t support negative
values, so your auxiliary sequencer might lose sync if you use a countoff. The safest approach is
never to start a song with a Locate value less than 1:1.
Specifies the source clock as being internal or external. When the Clock is set to external (Ext),
the K2661 will wait to receive MIDI clock data, via its MIDI In port, from another device capable
of generating MIDI clock data before playback and real-time recording can begin.
The Tempo parameter, when set to Fixed, provides a tempo lock feature to override any
real-time tempo changes recorded into a sequence. If set to Auto, tempo changes will be
Selects the number of bars of countdown, if any, before playback or recording starts. This works
in conjunction with the click, so if the Click parameter is set to Off, the CountOff setting will
have no effect. If the click is set to record only, then the CountOff will happen only when
The Click parameter controls the click behavior. Set to Off, there is no click, and consequently no
CountOff. When it is set to On, a click is present during playback and recording. To have a click
only while RECORDING, set the Click to Rec. A value of Cnt generates a click only during
RECORDING CountOff, if any.
Specifies which MIDI channel will be used for the metronome click.
If click is in use, ClickPrg specifies which program will be used as the metronome click’s sound.
The click channel will be locked on to this program internally, and this program number will be
transmitted via MIDI on the click channel to external any device(s) when playback or record is
started. The default click program is 198 Click, which uses the Clave keymap.
The ClickKey is the note to be used for the metronome click.