Song Mode
Song Mode: The MIX Page
Song Mode: The MIX Page
The MIX page allows you to set and keep new initial settings for all sixteen tracks’ program
changes, volumes, and pan positions. You can set these three parameters for each track, then
press the Keep button, prompting a dialog that asks if you really want to update these settings.
Press Yes to make the changes. Another way to set these initial settings is to press Record to put
the sequencer into REC READY status, make any desired changes, then press the Stop soft
You can also record real-time changes by changing the value of the highlighted fader or knob
while recording on that track. If you do make recording changes in real time, though, make sure
that RecMode is set to Merge, or else the data previously recorded on the track will be erased.
The top line of this page displays the program number and name for the currently highlighted
track. The different tracks are selected by moving the cursor with the Left and Right cursor
buttons. The program for each track can be changed in the MIX page with the Chan/Bank
buttons. Pressing the Chan/Bank buttons at the same time will jump to the next bank of 100
Pan Position
Position the cursor over any one of the sixteen Pan Position “knobs” on the display and turn the
Alpha Wheel to change the panning for the selected track. The graphic display will move
smoothly between the left and right settings and these changes can be recorded in real time. Use
the alphanumeric buttonpad to enter in a value between 0 (hard left) and 127 (hard right) if you
want to have a track jump immediately to a new pan position. The default pan position is 64
(straight up).
Volume Level
Position the cursor over any one of the sixteen Volume Level “faders” on the display and turn
the Alpha Wheel to change the MIDI Volume for the selected track. The graphic display will
move smoothly, setting volume changes that can be recorded in real time. Use the alphanumeric
buttonpad to enter in a value between 0 (no volume) and 127 (maximum volume) if you want to
have a track jump immediately to a new volume level. The default value is 127 (maximum
You can also use the sliders to adjust the volume of the currently selected bank of eight tracks.
Pan Position Knobs
Volume Level Faders
Track Status Indicators
Quick Mute Track
Bank Indicator