Quick Access Mode
line of the Quick Access-mode page. Press the Edit button, and you enter the editor, where you
can examine each entry in the bank you selected. The Quick Access Editor page looks like this:
The top line gives you the usual mode reminder, and shows you which of the ten entries you’re
looking at. The cursor is highlighting the object (program or setup) that’s stored in that entry.
The easiest way to edit the bank is to use the Chan/Bank buttons to scroll through the ten
entries. The entry number changes both at the top of the page, and at the left of the page. As the
entry number changes, the highlighted objects at the center of the page change as well, showing
you what’s stored in each entry. On the page above, for example, entry 9 is the current entry. The
Type parameter tells you that the object stored at entry 9 is a program. The cursor highlights the
program’s ID and name.
In this example, you could select a different program with your favorite data entry method. If
you wanted to store a setup in that entry instead of a program, you would move the cursor to
the Type parameter and change its value to Setup. The list of objects would change from the
program list to the setup list, and you could move the cursor back to the setup list and select
another setup. When you select the Entry or Type parameter, the list of objects at the right
disappears, leaving only the currently selected object. This makes it easier to see when it’s not
highlighted by the cursor.
When you’ve filled each entry with the object you want, press the Name soft button if you want
to rename the bank, or press the Save soft button to begin the save procedure. Press the Dump
soft button to dump the bank via MIDI System Exclusive.
K2661 QA Banks
id bank name id bank name
1 Pianos 13 Percussion
2 E Pianos 14 Solo Brass
3 Organs 15 Section Brass
4 Strings 16 Winds
5 Voices 17 Analog Synths
6 Ensembles 18 Synths Leads
7 Guitars 1 19 Digital Synths
8 Guitars 2 20 Synth Pads
9 Basses 21 Synth Ambient
10 Synth Basses 22 Keys
11 Drums 1 23 More Synths
12 Drums 2 24 KB3
25 Basic QA Bank