Basic Disk Mode
Disk Mode Functions
Disk Mode Functions
Now that you are familiar with the basics of creating directories and moving around in the
K2661 file system, it is time to discuss some of the features provided in the disk functions
Loading Files
The Load button instructs the K2661 to copy a file from the current disk to the K2661’s RAM.
Press the Load button, and a list of files stored in the currently selected device will appear. Scroll
through the list of files with the Alpha Wheel or Plus/Minus buttons, then press OK—or press
Cancel to return to the Disk-mode page.
When you press OK, the Bank dialog will appear (as described in Load Function
Dialog on page 13-19) and you’ll be asked to select the memory bank to load the file into. Scroll
through the list of banks with the Alpha Wheel or Plus/Minus buttons until the desired memory
bank is highlighted, then press OK. Or press Cancel to back up a page and select another file to
load. Once you have selected a bank to which to load, you will be asked to choose a method for
loading. The method you choose determines how the objects in the file will be ordered when
loaded into the bank.
Loading Individual Objects
Since files can contain over 3000 objects, it is often useful to load only a subset of the information
contained in a K2661 file. Sometimes, this capability is necessary even to be able to load certain
files, if the size of the file’s samples or data is greater than the K2661’s internal RAM size.
You can select individual objects or groups of objects (samples, programs, keymaps, effects,
songs) for loading from within a single K2661 file.
The Load Object feature is accessible from within the Load File dialog. To activate it, scroll the
file list until you have highlighted the file that you wish to load objects from:
Press Open to begin the Load Object dialog. (Note: The file must be in .KRZ, .K25, or .K26
format in order to load individual objects from it.) The K2661 then scans the file contents in
order to present a list of all of the objects in the file. Sometimes this procedure can take a few