Song Mode
Song Mode: The MISC Page
ClickVel determines the attack velocity to be used by the metronome click. The first beat of each
measure gets played at exactly this velocity level while the other beats scaled to about 90% of
this value as a way to provide an accent.
If there’s not enough of a distinction between Beat 1 and the other beats, you can do the
following to extend the dynamic range of the click program:
1. Go to Program mode, and select Program 198 Click, then press Edit.
2. Press the more> soft button, then the F4AMP soft button.
3. Select the Velocity Tracking (VelTrk) parameter, and increase its value. The more you
increase it, the more difference you hear between Beat 1 and the other beats. Don’t go too
high, though. This may cause Beats 2, 3, and 4 to drop too low. When you save, we
recommend using a different program name and ID, or at least a different ID.
4. Go back to Song mode, select the new program’s ID as the value for the ClickPrg
parameter, and start recording.
Soft Buttons on the MISC Page
Record, Play(Pause), and Stop work the same as they do on the MAIN page, described on
page 12-24.
New selects 1 NewSong as the current song and jumps back to the MAIN page. The tracks in
the new song will be empty, but all initial program, volume and pan settings, and all parameters
in the MISC page remain set the same way they were in the previous song.
In/Out provides a quick way to enter the Auto punch-in points in real time, based on your
current location in the song. When you press In/Out, the K2661 updates either the AutoIn or
AutoOut parameter (or both), depending on their current values and the value of the Locate
Typically, you’ll start song playback, press In/Out when you reach the desired punch-in point,
then press it again when the song reaches the desired punch-out point.
More specifically, the first time you press In/Out, the K2661 sets AutoOut to match the current
value of Locate. Press In/Out again, and the K2661 shifts the current value of Auto Out to the
value of Auto In, and updates AutoOut to match the current value of Locate.
If the value of AutoIn or AutoOut is highlighted when you press In/Out, the K2661 updates only
the selected value.
The AutoIn and AutoOut parameters display only Bars and Beats. However, the actual In and
Out points will be precise to the Tick occurring at the time the In/Out button was pressed.
MAIN returns you to the MAIN page.