Setup Mode
Chapter 7
Setup Mode
Note: For complete information on the K2661’s Setup Editor, refer to Chapter 7 of the K2661 Musician’s
Guide (on the CD-ROM).
In Setup mode, the K2661 can take on the identity of eight distinct instruments and eight distinct
MIDI transmitters, each of which can use the setup’s physical controller assignments (or any
subset of those controller assignments). For example, you can create a setup that is split into
eight different keyboard regions (called zones). Each zone can play its own program, while also
transmitting on its own MIDI channel.
Selecting setups in Setup mode is much like selecting programs in Program mode—just use one
of the normal data entry methods to scroll through the list of setups. There are, however, some
important differences between a program and a setup. A program plays on a single keyboard
zone and on a single MIDI channel. A setup enables you to use up to eight keyboard (or MIDI
controller) zones, each of which can have its own program, MIDI channel, and control
assignments. The parameters you define for each setup affect programs only while you are in
Setup mode. An exception to this is the control setup, which we discuss on page 7-2.
Press the Setup-mode button to enter Setup mode. You’ll see a list of setups, which you can
select with any data entry method.
The lines in the info box represent the approximate key range of each zone, and let you know if
any zones overlap. In the preceding diagram, the setup has seven active zones (Zone 7 is turned
off); Zones 1–4 are at the upper end of the keyboard. Zones 5, 6, and 8, which overlap Zones 1–4,
cover the lower two thirds of the keyboard.
For setups containing three or fewer zones, the box displays the MIDI channel and program
assignments for each zone, with lines under the Program names to indicate the key range of
each zone (as shown in the following diagram). An L or an M next to the channel number
indicates that the zone transmits only locally or via MIDI (the default is Local and MIDI).
Off indicates that the zone has been turned off completely (when a zone is turned off, no MIDI,
program, or key-range information is visible for the zone).