Basic Effects Mode
The FX Preset Editor, which is nested within the Studio Editor, and which contains three pages.
The FX Preset Editor is where you select algorithms and set parameters for the FX presets, as
well as doing administrative things like naming and saving. You can get to the FX Preset Editor
from the either the FXBUS page or the AUXFX page, by highlighting the current FX preset and
pressing Edit.
Name, Save, Delete, and Dump, for doing file management on your collection of studios.
You can also get to the Studio Editor from the Program and Setup Editors, by pressing Edit
when the Studio parameter is selected (this is the most convenient method for getting into the
Studio Editor). In both the Program and Setup Editors, the Studio parameter is on the KDFX
The KDFXMode:MAIN page gives you a summary view of the current effects configuration,
including the current studio, the FX Presets assigned to each of the five effects buses, and the
bypass status of each bus.
Figure 9-1 Effects mode: the KDFXMode:MAIN page
As with every other page, the top line of the KDFXMode:MAIN page identifies the page you’re
on. It also shows you two other important features of Effects mode:
FXCtrl: this is a parameter on the Ctrl page, which is accessible with the CTRL soft
Enable state: Shows whether KDFX is currently enabled or if any part of KDFX is bypassed or
The second line of the display shows the ID and name of the current studio. When you enter
KDFX Mode directly (i.e., not through another one of the K2661’s editors) you can scroll through
the displayed list of studios. This allows you to choose a different studio on the
KDFXMode:MAIN page. When FXCTRL is set to Master (see page 9-9), you can also do this,
even when you have entered KDFX Mode from within another editor.
If you select the studio then press the Edit button, you’ll go to EditStudio:FXBUS page, where
you can make changes to each bus within the studio.
The second line also shows the number of PAUs available for the current studio (“Free:” on the
right-hand side). This number will be 0–4, since in each studio four PAUs are available for the
four insert FXBuses (the AuxFX bus has its own fixed set of three PAUs).