Basic Disk Mode
Load Function Dialog
For loading as “Everything,” the ID number for an object stored in a file is taken literally, and
not rebanked (except if Fill or OvFill mode is chosen, in which case the K2661 will use ID
numbers starting from 200).
The following example shows how each different loading methods affect how four programs
load into a bank that already contains programs.
Example: Starting with the following objects already stored in the K2661 internal RAM:
Suppose you were to load a file containing the following objects into the 200s bank:
The following table shows the IDs that each program end up with when you load the organs
(with IDs in the 400s) into the 200s bank, which contains the pianos. Note that in Merge mode,
Organs 405 and 410 replace Pianos 205 and 210.
Program ID Program Name
200 Acoustic Piano 2
204 Bright Piano
205 Tin Ear Piano
210 Chorused Piano
211 Electric Piano 2
Program ID Program Name
405 Blues Organ
406 Gospel Organ
409 Cheezoid Organ
410 Internal Organ
Program Name
Program IDs After Loading
OvFill Overwrt Merge Append Fill
200 Acoustic Piano 2 Deleted Deleted 200 200 200
204 Bright Piano Deleted Deleted 204 204 204
205 Tin Ear Piano Deleted Deleted Deleted 205 205
210 Chorused Piano Deleted Deleted Deleted 210 210
211 Electric Piano 2 Deleted Deleted 211 211 211
405 Blues Organ 200 205 205 206 201
406 Gospel Organ 201 206 206 207 202
409 Cheezoid Organ 202 209 209 209 203
410 Internal Organ 203 210 210 212 206