Basic Disk Mode
Saving Files
After saving, the file STWAVE2.K26 will contain two objects in it, Program 317 and a name
table. You can easily verify this by going to the Load function (or any other disk function) and
pressing Open on the file just saved (which should come up already highlighted). The display of
objects for the file will look like this:
The name table will always be the first object in the list. You can verify the exact contents of the
name table by using the “View Name Table” shortcut (as described on page 13-17); make sure
the name table is highlighted, and press either the Left or Right cursor button (as if you were
“auditioning” the name table). You would then see the following:
The Name Table Contents list shows what would have been saved in the file had you answered
Yes to “Save dependent objects?” instead of answering by pressing Names. More importantly, it
allows you to see what objects need to be in the K2661’s RAM before loading this file.
The object IDs shown in the table are the same numbers that those dependent objects used at the
time this file was saved. (The ID numbers are necessary in order for Relink-by-Name to
function, since they are the “link” between the higher level objects and the names of the
An important thing to notice about this particular name table is that the sample names are not
needed by the K2661 for relinking purposes. In fact, the only information necessary for relinking
the dependent objects of this file is the keymap object. The reason for this is that when this file
containing the program is loaded, all of these dependent objects should already have been
loaded, and the keymap should already be correctly linked to the samples. Although the
samples’ names are redundant from the K2661’s point of view, they are included for free, so to
speak, and you may find them very helpful if you ever need to know exactly what the
dependents of this file were intended to be.
The Name Table Contents list is scrollable if there are more than seven objects in the name table.
Now that the two files STWAVE1.K26 and STWAVE2.K26 have been created using the name
table, they can be reloaded and correctly relinked. The files can be loaded into any bank— they
do not need to go back into the bank they were originally in—since the STWAVE2.K26 file will
search through all the banks to find the objects by name in order to relink them. In fact, if you
were to immediately reload just the file containing the program (STWAVE2.K26), into any bank,