Editing Conventions
Saving and Naming
change numbers (when you’re using the Extended or Kurzweil Program Change format—see
Program Change Formats on page 10-9).
The object type and ID enable you to store hundreds of objects without losing track of them, and
also to load files from disk without having to replace files you’ve already loaded. See Memory
Banks on page 5-7 for more information on object type and ID.
Saving and Naming
When you’ve edited an object to your satisfaction, you’ll want to store it in RAM. There’s a
standard procedure for saving and naming, which applies to all objects.
You can press the Save soft button, of course, but it’s easier to press the Exit button, which
means “I want to leave the current editor.” If you haven’t actually changed anything while in
the editor, you’ll simply exit to the mode you started from. If you have made changes, however,
the K2661 will ask you if you want to save those changes. This is the first Save dialog. A dialog is
any display that asks a question that you need to answer before the K2661 can proceed.
The following diagram shows the Save dialog for the Program Editor. The top line tells you that
you got to this dialog by pressing Exit. If you had pressed the Save soft button instead of Exit,
you’d see Save in the top line, instead of Exit. If you were in another editor, the top line would
indicate that as well.
The best way through this process is to press the Rename soft button. This takes you
immediately to the naming dialog, where you assign a name to the object you’re saving. You
haven’t saved yet, but you’ll be able to after you’ve named the program.
Like the Save dialog, the top line identifies the current editor and function, and also indicates
whether the keyboard naming feature is enabled (see Keyboard Naming on page 5-5).
The cursor underlines the currently selected character. Press the <<< or >>> soft buttons to
move the cursor without changing characters. Press an alphanumeric button one or more times
to enter a character above the cursor. The characters that correspond to the alphanumeric
buttons are labeled under each button. If the character that appears is not the one you want,