Song Mode
Song Mode: The MISC Page
The top line displays the amount of free event space and the current sequencer state, which is
When recording the first track of a new song, you will be able to record as if you had an endless
length of “tape” no matter what the recording mode is set to.
When you record the first track, all recording modes operate the same way. This is because until
you define the length of a new song, its End point is the default setting of Bar 8001, the
maximum amount of Bars in a song. The End point is referenced and modified in different ways
depending on the RecMode.
The End point of a song is defined when:
1. The Stop button is pressed to end the recording of the first track. The new End point is
aligned to the nearest downbeat of the (empty) Bar immediately following the last Bar you
were recording when Stop was pressed.
2. Stop is pressed while recording any track past the previously set End point in Linear or
UnLoop recording mode. Again, the new End point is aligned to the downbeat of the
(empty) Bar immediately following the last Bar you were recording when Stop was
3. The AutoOut Bar and Beat is set past current End point, after recording in Auto RecMode,
and when the first track is recorded in Auto RecMode, the AutoOut Bar and Beat becomes
the End point.
Parameter Range of Values Default
Record Mode Linear, Fixlen, Loop, Unloop, Auto Linear
Play Mode Linear, Loop, List, Chain Loop
Key Wait On, Off Off
Locate -25:2 – 999:4 1:1
Auto In 1:1 – 999:4 1:1
Auto Out 1:1 – 2500: 1:1
Input Quantize Off, 1% – 100% Off
Grid 1/1 – 1/384 1/8
Swing -99% – 125% 0%
Sync Both, Xmit, Recv, Off Off
Clock Int, Ext Int
Tempo Auto, Fixed Auto
Countoff Off, 1, 2, 3 1
Click Off, Rec, On, Cnt Rec
Click Channel 1 – 16 16
Click Program 1 – 999 198
Click Key C-1 – G9 C4
Click Velocity 1 – 127 100