Program Mode
KB3 Program Structure
Things are a bit different for playing setups. In this case, you must use the local keyboard
channel to be able to play and control all of the setup’s zones. Set LocalKbdCh to match the
channel your external MIDI source is using (so if, for example, your MIDI source transmits on
Channel 1, set LocalKbdCh to 1). All MIDI information that the K2661 receives on the local
keyboard channel gets remapped to the channels and control destinations used by the zones in
the setup.
The K2661 also remaps certain MIDI Controller messages that it receives on the local keyboard
channel, so that they correspond (in most cases) to the default assignments for the K2661’s
physical controllers (Mod Wheel, sliders, ribbons, etc.). While this ensures that the physical
controllers work in a consistent and relatively standard fashion for most setups and VAST
programs, it necessitates a few adjustments to make incoming MIDI Controller messages control
the KB3 features listed in Table 6-3. Without these adjustments, some of the KB3 features won’t
respond to MIDI Controller messages—this is true when you’re playing programs as well as
when you’re playing setups.
To make everything work properly, you need to make sure that all the appropriate physical
controllers are assigned for KB3 control. Physical controller assignments are handled by setups,
and are defined by parameters on several pages in the Setup Editor. Each zone of a setup has its
own controller assignments. Programs don’t have controller assignments, so they “borrow”
them from a special setup that’s reserved for that purpose. This setup is called the control setup;
it’s determined by the value of the CtlSetup parameter (on the TRANSMIT page in MIDI mode).
You can read about control setups in detail on page 6-10.
When you’re playing a setup on the local keyboard channel, each zone that uses a KB3 program
must have the appropriate physical controller assignments. When you’re playing a KB3
program, Zone 1 of the control setup must have the appropriate physical controller assignments.
There are two ways to configure a setup properly for KB3 control:
• Edit an existing setup, adjusting some of the physical controller assignments.
• Use the KB3 setup that we’ve provided for your convenience. It’s in a file on the
SmartMedia card and CD-ROM that came with your K2661.
KB3 Control: A Summary
Whenever you want to play a KB3 program, make sure that the KB3 setup is assigned as the
control setup. When you want to play a setup containing a KB3 program, make sure that the
zone that uses the KB3 program has the same physical controller assignments as the KB3 setup.
When you’re creating a setup that will use a KB3 program, use the KB3 setup as your starting
One final word—for now—about using the local keyboard channel: all the MIDI information
received on the local keyboard channel also gets sent—after being remapped—to the K2661’s MIDI
Out port. There’s a discussion of the local keyboard channel beginning on page 10-6.